Commit f7afd8ea957502a51ce32040a4d5b4e80baa458f

Authored by George Vlahavas
1 parent d638fea7e9

Add a simple test

Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 3 deletions

kea_testing.groovy View file @ f7afd8e
... ... @@ -46,10 +46,22 @@
46 46 stage('Run tests') {
47 47 steps {
48 48 script {
49   -
50   - echo 'Run any necessary test'
  49 + echo '*************'
  50 + echo '*** TESTS ***'
  51 + echo '*************'
51 52 /* Here do your tests */
52   -
  53 + sleep 50
  54 + try {
  55 + String testName = "1. Check that app is running - 200 response code"
  56 + String url = ""
  57 + String responseCode = sh(label: testName, script: "curl -m 10 -sLI -w '%{http_code}' $url -o /dev/null", returnStdout: true)
  58 + if (responseCode != '200') {
  59 + error("$testName: Returned status code = $responseCode when calling $url")
  60 + }
  61 + } catch (ignored) {
  62 + currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
  63 + echo "KEA Deployment Tests failed"
  64 + }
53 65 }
54 66 }
55 67 }