Commit f58964f4cadf8d4266261f23332bdd09379cd074

Authored by George Vlahavas
1 parent 686bf5b891

Remove port from APP_URL variable

Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions

kea_testing.groovy View file @ f58964f
... ... @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
21 21 APP_NAME = "KEA"
22 22 APP_ENV = "production"
23 23 APP_DEBUG = "true"
24   - APP_URL = ""
  24 + APP_URL = ""
25 25  
26 26 KIBANA_PORT = "5611"
27 27 GRAFANA_PORT = "3001"
... ... @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
91 91 sleep 50
92 92 try {
93 93 String testName = "KEA_F001"
94   - String url = "$APP_URL"
  94 + String url = "$APP_URL:13880"
95 95 String responseCode = sh(label: testName, script: "curl -m 10 -sLI -w '%{http_code}' $url -o /dev/null", returnStdout: true)
96 96 if (responseCode != '200') {
97 97 error("$testName: Returned status code = $responseCode when calling $url")