Commit e53becc12b82cf45ba9356d9fa70cd99cce66b6f

Authored by George Vlahavas
1 parent cfd27a3cbe

Replace parens with backticks

Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 1 deletions

kea_testing.groovy View file @ e53becc
... ... @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
111 111 }
112 112 testName = "KEA_F004"
113 113 url = "mqtt://${HOST_IP}:1883/test"
114   - responseCode = sh(label: testName, script: "sleep 2 ; curl -d 1 $url & OUT=$( curl -m 4 -s $url ) ; echo $OUT", returnStdout: true)
  114 + responseCode = sh(label: testName, script: "sleep 2 ; curl -d 1 $url & OUT=`curl -m 4 -s $url` ; echo $OUT", returnStdout: true)
115 115 if (responseCode != 'test1') {
116 116 error("$testName: Returned status code = $responseCode when calling $url")
117 117 }