Commit de6d35b8e292fbca39aabbf4f40e1ec4e70486b3

Authored by George Vlahavas
1 parent ae107e2497

Export elasticsearch port 9200

Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 0 deletions

docker-compose-hetzner.yml View file @ de6d35b
... ... @@ -42,6 +42,10 @@
42 42 hard: -1
43 43 volumes:
44 44 - data_volume:/data
  45 + networks:
  46 + - "proxy-network"
  47 + expose:
  48 + - 9200
45 49  
46 50 logstash:
47 51 image:
... ... @@ -49,6 +53,8 @@
49 53 restart: unless-stopped
50 54 volumes:
51 55 - data_volume:/data
  56 + networks:
  57 + - "proxy-network"
52 58  
53 59 kibana:
54 60 image: