Commit 3d2811c1fd45b060fce254c1896d3fe208004a10
1 parent
Exists in
and in
2 other branches
Remove deployment
This should be ran after KEA is deployed. No need to bring down the running instance for redeploying this way.
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 78 deletions
View file @
... | ... | @@ -10,87 +10,16 @@ |
10 | 10 | agent any |
11 | 11 | |
12 | 12 | environment { |
13 | - // Keep as is the following two lines | |
14 | - PRIVATE_REGISTRY = "" | |
15 | - ARTIFACTORY_URL = "" | |
16 | - | |
17 | - HOST_IP = "" | |
18 | - DEPLOYMENT_HOST = "${HOST_IP}:2376" | |
19 | - DEPLOYMENT_HOST_CREDENTIALS = "vm2-creds" | |
20 | 13 | |
21 | - // KEA specific | |
22 | - APP_NAME = "KEA" | |
23 | - APP_ENV = "production" | |
24 | - APP_DEBUG = "true" | |
25 | 14 | APP_URL = "" |
15 | + KEYCLOAK_URL = "" | |
16 | + USER = credentials('keycloak-test-user') | |
17 | + PASSWORD = credentials('keycloak-test-password') | |
26 | 18 | |
27 | - KIBANA_PORT = "5601" | |
28 | - GRAFANA_PORT = "3000" | |
29 | - | |
30 | - LOG_CHANNEL = "stack" | |
31 | - | |
32 | - DB_CONNECTION = "pgsql" | |
33 | - DB_HOST = "timescaledb" | |
34 | - DB_PORT = "5432" | |
35 | - DB_DATABASE = "kea" | |
36 | - DB_USERNAME = "postgres" | |
37 | - DB_PASSWORD = "postgres" | |
38 | - | |
39 | - BROADCAST_DRIVER = "log" | |
40 | - CACHE_DRIVER = "file" | |
41 | - QUEUE_CONNECTION = "sync" | |
42 | - SESSION_DRIVER = "file" | |
43 | - SESSION_LIFETIME = "120" | |
44 | - | |
45 | - JWT_TTL = "1440" | |
46 | - | |
47 | - ELASTICSEARCH_HOST = "elasticsearch" | |
48 | - ELASTICSEARCH_PORT = "9200" | |
49 | - ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME = "http" | |
50 | - | |
51 | - MQTT_HOST = "mosquitto" | |
52 | - MQTT_PORT = "1883" | |
53 | - MQTT_DEBUG = "false" | |
54 | - MQTT_QOS = "0" | |
55 | - MQTT_RETAIN = "0" | |
56 | - | |
57 | - MLTD_HOST = "mltd" | |
58 | - MLTD_PORT = "5000" | |
59 | - OD_HOST = "od" | |
60 | - OD_PORT = "9091" | |
61 | - | |
62 | - KEYCLOAK_REALM_PUBLIC_KEY = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAg9OruW+gRnBcm4S1da+TDj7LdDXTFykExlg2z5Fx/vv4ldJf1/vCAEdSP/HZXRMq5TRefnkzVyv66COmjyPjGNB2P240HOOzBPnU5ibsu7H2betZvR+uj/y9o5T3hUpPy+Gbb02i57xoKyECy+yRtPjmF63R0rFfFBV/LdScWdnltTY7YfmRe6dRcBZG5QZ8bKTWP40QUzwG2PnJpIEi3KdYp4qDx4LvXnSvIC0Z6E59R2oialMKQtPO5Xu9Ea6fYe4guqX9zdpoC+bcvxjJ275zj+RoFVaQHhGBZDPeK4VITmXiUWkBbTGQwEVY8ZY4b62kWFwjOg9yOv47s6N7cQIDAQAB" | |
65 | - KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL_ATTRIBUTE = "preferred_username" | |
67 | - KEYCLOAK_ALLOWED_RESOURCES = "account" | |
68 | - | |
69 | - AUTH_ENABLED = "true" | |
70 | 19 | } |
71 | 20 | |
72 | 21 | stages { |
73 | 22 | |
74 | - stage('Checkout the source code') { | |
75 | - steps { | |
76 | - checkout scm | |
77 | - } | |
78 | - } | |
79 | - | |
80 | - | |
81 | - stage('Deploy Docker containers in DEV server') { | |
82 | - steps { | |
83 | - script { | |
84 | - docker.withServer("$DEPLOYMENT_HOST", "$DEPLOYMENT_HOST_CREDENTIALS") { | |
85 | - docker.withRegistry("$PRIVATE_REGISTRY" , 'artifactory') { | |
86 | - echo 'Deploying the specified Docker containers in DEV server' | |
87 | - sh 'sh' | |
88 | - } | |
89 | - } | |
90 | - } | |
91 | - } | |
92 | - } | |
93 | - | |
94 | 23 | stage('Run tests') { |
95 | 24 | steps { |
96 | 25 | script { |
... | ... | @@ -108,10 +37,7 @@ |
108 | 37 | } |
109 | 38 | |
110 | 39 | testName = "KEA_keycloak_success" |
111 | - String keycloakURL = "" | |
112 | - String user = credentials('keycloak-test-user') | |
113 | - String password = credentials('keycloak-test-password') | |
114 | - String token = sh(label: "KEA_keycloak_token", script: "curl -s -X POST $keycloakURL -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'username=$user' -d 'password=$password' -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=KEA' | sed 's/.*access_token\":\"//g' | sed 's/\".*//g'", returnStdout: true) | |
40 | + String token = sh(label: "KEA_keycloak_token", script: "curl -s -X POST $KEYCLOAK_URL -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'username=$USER' -d 'password=$PASSWORD' -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=KEA' | sed 's/.*access_token\":\"//g' | sed 's/\".*//g'", returnStdout: true) | |
115 | 41 | responseCode = sh(label: testName, script: "curl -m 10 -sLI -w '%{http_code}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $token' -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' $url -o /dev/null", returnStdout: true) |
116 | 42 | if ( responseCode != '401' ) { |
117 | 43 | error("$testName: Returned status code = $responseCode when calling $url") |