#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: chribell
The purpose of this script is to process Suricata's output json file (eve.json)
and find possible connections between Suricata rules -> CVEs -> CWEs -> CAPECs.
1. Path of CAPEC sqlite db
2. Path of eve.json
3. Path of output json file
./process_suricata_log.py ./capecdb.sqlite /var/log/suricata/eve.json /var/log/suricata/capec.json
import time
from sys import argv
from os import SEEK_END, path, linesep
import json
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict
def suricata_event(line):
src = json.loads(line)
evt = {}
evt['timestamp'] = src['timestamp']
# extract these fields from the suricata alert
alert_fields = ('signature_id', 'signature', 'category', 'severity')
if 'alert' in src:
for field in alert_fields:
evt[field] = src['alert'][field]
return evt
def tail(file):
file.seek(0, SEEK_END)
while True:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
# using a generator is preferred, just to consume every new line
yield line
def extract_capec_paths(db, capec):
paths = {}
for c in db['capec'][capec]['parents']:
paths['capec-' + c] = {
'name': db['capec'][c]['name'],
**extract_capec_paths(db, c)
return paths
def extract_cwe_paths(db, cwe):
paths = {}
if cwe in db['cwe-capec']: # CWE has a related CAPEC
for c in db['cwe-capec'][cwe]:
paths['capec-' + c] = {
'name': db['capec'][c]['name'],
**extract_capec_paths(db, c)
for w in db['cwe'][cwe]['parents']:
paths['cwe-' + w] = {
'name': db['cwe'][w]['name'],
**extract_cwe_paths(db, w)
return paths
def extract_paths(db, cve):
paths = {}
# check if is CVE is related to any CWE
if cve not in db['cve-cwe']:
return {}
cwe = db['cve-cwe'][cve]
for w in cwe:
paths['cwe-' + w] = {
'name': db['cwe'][w]['name'],
**extract_cwe_paths(db, w)
return paths
def format_paths(key, value):
if not bool(value):
return [ [key] ] # empty dictionary, return key only
paths = []
for i in value.keys():
for p in format_paths(i, value[i]):
paths.append([key] + p)
return paths
def write_to_file(output_path, evt):
with open(output_path,'a', encoding='utf-8') as out:
json.dump(evt, out, ensure_ascii=False)
def start(db_path, log_path, output_path):
db = SqliteDict(db_path) # open db
log_file = open(log_path) # open log file
log_lines = tail(log_file) # calling the generator, watching for new lines
for line in log_lines:
evt = suricata_event(line)
# suricara rule 2200007 is used for padding, so we ignore it
if 'signature_id' in evt and evt['signature_id'] != 2200007:
sid = str(evt['signature_id'])
if sid in db['sid-cve']:
cve = db['sid-cve'][sid]
evt['tree'] = extract_paths(db, cve)
# paths = []
# for i in tmp:
# paths = paths + [ [i] ]
# paths = paths + format_paths(i, tmp[i])
# evt['paths'] = {}
# for i in range(len(paths)):
# evt['paths'][i] = paths[i]
evt['cve'] = cve
write_to_file(output_path, evt)
if len(argv) - 1 == 3 and path.exists(argv[1]) and path.exists(argv[2]):
start(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3])
print('Error, please provide the paths of capecdb.sqlite, eve.json and output')