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In every state of the model, there is a set of commands (belonging to any of the modules) which are enabled, i.e. whose guards are satisfied in that state. The choice between which command is performed (i.e. the <em>scheduling</em>) depends on the model type. </p> <p class='vspace'>For an MDP, as in <a class='wikilink' href='Example1.html'>Example 1</a>, the choice is <em>nondeterministic</em>. By way of example, consider state <code>(0,0)</code> (i.e. <code>x=0</code> and <code>y=0</code>). There are two commands enabled, one from each module: </p> <div class='vspace'></div> <div class='sourceblock ' id='sourceblock1'> <div class='sourceblocktext'><div class="prism">[] <span class="prismident">x</span>=<span class="prismnum">0</span> -> <span class="prismnum">0.8</span>:(<span class="prismident">x</span>'=<span class="prismnum">0</span>) + <span class="prismnum">0.2</span>:(<span class="prismident">x</span>'=<span class="prismnum">1</span>);<br/> </div></div> <div class='sourceblocklink'><a href='http://prismmodelchecker.localhost/manual/ThePRISMLanguage/ParallelComposition?action=sourceblock&num=1' type='text/plain'>[$[Get Code]]</a></div> </div> <div class='vspace'></div> <div class='sourceblock ' id='sourceblock2'> <div class='sourceblocktext'><div class="prism">[] <span class="prismident">y</span>=<span class="prismnum">0</span> -> <span class="prismnum">0.8</span>:(<span class="prismident">y</span>'=<span class="prismnum">0</span>) + <span class="prismnum">0.2</span>:(<span class="prismident">y</span>'=<span class="prismnum">1</span>);<br/> </div></div> <div class='sourceblocklink'><a href='http://prismmodelchecker.localhost/manual/ThePRISMLanguage/ParallelComposition?action=sourceblock&num=2' type='text/plain'>[$[Get Code]]</a></div> </div> <p class='vspace'>In state <code>(0,0)</code> of the MDP, there would be a nondeterministic choice between these two probability distributions: </p> <div class='vspace'></div><ul><li><code>0.8:(0,0) + 0.2:(1,0)</code> (module <code>M1</code> moves) </li><li><code>0.8:(0,0) + 0.2:(0,1)</code> (module <code>M2</code> moves) </li></ul><p class='vspace'>For a DTMC, the choice is <em>probabilistic</em>: each enabled command is selected with equal probability. If <a class='wikilink' href='Example1.html'>Example 1</a> was a DTMC, then in state <code>(0,0)</code> of the model the following probability distribution would result: </p> <div class='vspace'></div><ul><li><code>0.8:(0,0) + 0.1:(1,0) + 0.1:(0,1)</code> </li></ul><p class='vspace'>For a <a class='wikilink' href='CTMCs.html'>CTMC</a>, as will be discussed shortly, the choice is modelled as a "race" between transitions. </p> <p class='vspace'>See the later sections on "<a class='wikilink' href='Synchronisation.html'>Synchronisation</a>" and "<a class='wikilink' href='ProcessAlgebraOperators.html'>Process Algebra Operators</a>" for other topics related to parallel composition. </p> </div> <!--PageFooterFmt--> <div id='prism-man-footer'> </div> <!--/PageFooterFmt--> <!-- ============================================================================= --> </div> <!-- id="prism-mainbox" --> </div> <!-- id="layout-main" --> </div> <!-- id="layout-maincontainer" --> <div id="layout-leftcol"> <div id="prism-navbar2"> <h3><a class='wikilink' href='../Main/Main.html'>PRISM Manual</a></h3> <p><strong><a class='wikilink' href='Main.html'>The PRISM Language</a></strong> </p><ul><li><a class='wikilink' href='Main.html'>Introduction</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Example1.html'>Example 1</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='ModelType.html'>Model Type</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='ModulesAndVariables.html'>Modules And Variables</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Commands.html'>Commands</a> </li><li><a class='selflink' href='ParallelComposition.html'>Parallel Composition</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='LocalNondeterminism.html'>Local Nondeterminism</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='CTMCs.html'>CTMCs</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Example2.html'>Example 2</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Constants.html'>Constants</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Expressions.html'>Expressions</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='Synchronisation.html'>Synchronisation</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='ModuleRenaming.html'>Module Renaming</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='MultipleInitialStates.html'>Multiple Initial States</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='GlobalVariables.html'>Global Variables</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='FormulasAndLabels.html'>Formulas And Labels</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='PTAs.html'>PTAs</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='CostsAndRewards.html'>Costs And Rewards</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='ProcessAlgebraOperators.html'>Process Algebra Operators</a> </li><li><a class='wikilink' href='PRISMModelFiles.html'>PRISM Model Files</a> </li></ul><p>[ <a class='wikilink' href='AllOnOnePage.html'>View all</a> ] </p> </div> <!-- id="prism-navbar2" --> </div> <!-- id="layout-leftcol" --> </body> </html> |