[config] ##reconfigure running instances reconfigure=False ## The installation directory install_dir = /home/thanasis/Desktop/deploy_hadoop ## The type of API to call the cluster controller cloud_api_type = ganeti ## The OS/image name bucket_name = snf-image+hadoop121_root ## The default size for instances storage_vcpus_ram in MBs ## 300000_3_10000 = 300GB HDD, 3 VCPUs, 10GB RAM instance_type = 300000_3_10000 ## The name of the cluster cluster_name = thanos-hadoop ## The template for instance hostnames hostname_template = hadoop-nodes- ## The owner of the VMs. Every VM will be tagged with its owner's name ownerTag = _btj_ ## Cluster type (supported types are: HADOOP) cluster_type = HADOOP ## Temporary database location db_file = /home/thanasis/Desktop/deploy_hadoop/hadoop.cluster.db ##set the logging level logging_level=debug ##HADOOP HEAP SIZE (MB) hadoop_heap=8000 ##MAP MEMORY (MB) map_memory=900 ##REDUCE MEMORY (MB) reduce_memory=6000 ##MAP TASKS PER TASKTRACKER map_tasks=2 ##REDUCE TASKS PER TASKTRACKER reduce_tasks=1 ##TOTAL MAP TASKS total_map_tasks=16 ##TOTAL REDUCE TASKS total_reduce_tasks=8 ###DFS REPLICATION dfs_replication=1 ## Starting one master and one slave originally (min = 2) initial_cluster_size=9 # How much RAM (maximum in MB) to consume from every physical host. rabbit_maxmem=55000 panther_maxmem=28000 deer_maxmem=28000