/** * Jenkinsfile to deploy multiple Docker containers based on docker-compose into a DEV server and run any test. * This pipeline will run the Docker containers, execute the tests and then stop and remove the containers from the DEV * server automatically. **/ pipeline { agent any environment { // Keep as is the following two lines PRIVATE_REGISTRY = "https://registry.curex-project.eu:443/curex-local/" ARTIFACTORY_URL = "registry.curex-project.eu:443/curex-local/" HOST_IP = "" DEPLOYMENT_HOST = "${HOST_IP}:2376" DEPLOYMENT_HOST_CREDENTIALS = "vm2-creds" // KEA specific APP_NAME = "KEA" APP_ENV = "production" APP_DEBUG = "true" APP_URL = "https://kea.curex-project.eu" KIBANA_PORT = "5601" GRAFANA_PORT = "3000" LOG_CHANNEL = "stack" DB_CONNECTION = "pgsql" DB_HOST = "timescaledb" DB_PORT = "5432" DB_DATABASE = "kea" DB_USERNAME = "postgres" DB_PASSWORD = "postgres" BROADCAST_DRIVER = "log" CACHE_DRIVER = "file" QUEUE_CONNECTION = "sync" SESSION_DRIVER = "file" SESSION_LIFETIME = "120" JWT_TTL = "1440" ELASTICSEARCH_HOST = "elasticsearch" ELASTICSEARCH_PORT = "9200" ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME = "http" MQTT_HOST = "mosquitto" MQTT_PORT = "1883" MQTT_DEBUG = "false" MQTT_QOS = "0" MQTT_RETAIN = "0" MLTD_HOST = "mltd" MLTD_PORT = "5000" OD_HOST = "od" OD_PORT = "9091" AUTH_ENABLED = "false" } stages { stage('Checkout the source code') { steps { checkout scm } } stage('Deploy Docker containers in DEV server') { steps { script { docker.withServer("$DEPLOYMENT_HOST", "$DEPLOYMENT_HOST_CREDENTIALS") { docker.withRegistry("$PRIVATE_REGISTRY" , 'artifactory') { echo 'Deploying the specified Docker containers in DEV server' sh 'sh deploy_hetzner.sh' } } } } } } }